Developing Stakeholders’ Engagement

Developing Stakeholders’ Engagement
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Язык: Русский
The book studies stakeholder engagement and, specifically, the company’s ability not only to take into account the various interests of stakeholders, but also to involve employees, customers, suppliers, banks, community etc., within the complex practice of business management. The purpose of the work is to analyse the stakeholder’s engagement policies and practices adopted by Italian listed companies. In the first part, the theoretical analysis of the most important issues regarding stakeholder engagement (principles, purposes, motivations) is reported, in order to get a better understanding of the reasons which push the company towards stakeholder engagement and identify the main factors resulting from this move. Then, starting from these theoretical premises, an empirical research focused on a sample chosen from companies listed on the Italian Stock Exchange is made. The aim of the analysis is to investigate both the extent of development of stakeholder engagement programmes among the investigated companies both the attention paid to this matter from Italian companies. The book brings to a close with some final considerations.


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