Developing Cameroon's International Trade

Developing Cameroon's International Trade
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Язык: Русский
Cameroon like any developing country is in need of development in various sectors of the economy. In an attempt to achieve the much desired economic and social development, Cameroon has embarked on a policy of trade liberalization and has increased its international trade engagements. There are, however, too many challenges facing the Cameroonian economy such that achieving the desired development from the increased trade negotiations is difficult. Cameroon's classification as a developing country under the WTO ranking gives it a number advantages. The use of these advantages through bilateral and multilateral trade negotiations is however not properly utilized to achieve the desired development. This book examines the challenges facing the Cameroonian economy as well as gives proposals on how best to overcome these challenges, increase Cameroon’s trade and utilize the benefits of international trade. Although the book deals with the challenges facing the Cameroonian economy, the prolems relating to retarded trade in Cameroon are akin to the problems in the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries as such it examines the EPAs whether they are the right development path.


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