Cyber-Space Versus Cyber-Realities

Cyber-Space Versus Cyber-Realities
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The starting point of my MA research is a key element of the anthropological research, such as what is diversity and how is possible to deal with it. The chosen field of analysis is the Internet, and the question is re-framed accordingly. After having analysed some of the established approaches, I articulate my own one, which is based on the concept that the Internet is what one makes of it in a specific time and space and for specifically designed purposes. In such a theoretical framework, one has to continuously question the relation message-medium-audience and, upon that, reformulate one’s own theoretical premises, articulations and conclusions with regard to the specific practices related to the enquiry. The second part of the research is the analysis of one specific articulation of the use one part of the Iranian political elite makes of the Internet. My conclusion is that, among so many other uses Iranians and their political elites make of the Internet, one is to arrange distinct communicative policies for a dialogue among civilizations.


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