Corporate Culture as a Determinant of Knowledge Sharing

Corporate Culture as a Determinant of Knowledge Sharing
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In the highly competitive economic environment of today, knowledge is a resource that is directly related with the effective realization of an organization’s overall or long-term goals and objectives and attainment of a sustainable competitive advantage. For this reason, since the last two decades, academicians and practitioners are in search for mechanisms through which this resource can be managed effectively and efficiently. One of the most challenging aspect of knowledge management is knowledge sharing. The knowledge sharing activities between the organizational members and sub-units facilitate the conversion of individual and collective knowledge into organizational knowledge, which eventually helps firms to successfully manage their knowledge assets. However, sharing knowledge in the workplace is not an easy process; there are several barriers and challenges that need to be addressed so as to successfully execute it. Researchers across the world agree that organization culture often acts as a critical barrier in the process of knowledge sharing and it needs to be addressed immediately so as to help firms in achieving their knowledge management goals.


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