Beyond Men Hugging Trees

Beyond Men Hugging Trees
Раздел: Ботаника
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Язык: Русский
Some may argue that all studies in the academy are men''s studies. Not many years ago, research dealing with the male persona would have been considered inane. However, there is a rapidly growing trend where some men, including myself, are no longer willing to perform the “traditional patriarchal role” of men. With the advent of the second great wave of feminism in the 1960''s, a consciousness-raising liberation movement for men also began to develop. To date, there has been limited research on men''s liberation from a gendered perspective. This means that rather than seeing men as the norm, a gendered perspective looks at and researches men through their differences and their various masculinities, while simultaneously observing how these characteristics impact each man and his relationship with his family of origin, current family or household, and community. To begin with, this study looked at men''s involvement in the contemporary men''s movement, especially the mythopoetic branch, which uses stories, myths, and poetry as vehicles for accessing inner emotions, realities, and feelings. Secondly, it looked at men''s support groups as a form of social support.


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