An Indian Initiative in Christian Formation

An Indian Initiative in Christian Formation
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"An Indian Initiative in Christian Formation: Reflections on the Vision and Mission of Dharmaram for an Indian Church" captures a set of important ideals for which it has been established in 1957. In an attempt to recapture the noble vision and mission of Dharmaram and to instil a passion for the same among those who associate with this noble Indian venture in Christian formation, a few reflections are offered in two parts. While the first part, “Faith Seeking Harmony of Life at Dharmaram,” tries to dwell on an ideal understanding of the vision and mission of Dharmaram, the second part, “Seeking Divine Harmony: Stalwarts of Dharmaram Synthesis,” offers a review on the contributions of three important persons who have attempted to realize the Dharmaram dream in their own inimitable ways, thus, becoming shining stars on the Dharmaram horizons.


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