Alexthymia and Empathy, how to understand our emotions?

Alexthymia and Empathy, how to understand our emotions?
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Being in touch with my emotion is abase for my success, emotional awareness not affect me only but affect my relation with other, complexity of human behavior enforce us to investigate more and more , whats behind ? what's the matter? The root of the word emotion means “to move”, or “to stir up”. thus emotions can be understood as an subjective sensation experienced as a type of psycho-physiological arousal “a feeling state involving thoughts, physiological changes, and outward expression of behavior”. Alexithymia concept encompasses the following salient features: (1) difficulty identifying feelings, (2) difficulty distinguishing between feelings and the bodily sensations of emotional arousal, The first two factors , refer to emotional awareness and expression and might therefore be considered as (3) limited imaginal capacity as evidenced by a paucity of fantasies, and (4) an externally oriented cognitive style, refers to a specific tendency to deal with superficial themes and to avoid affective thinking. this book attempt to address this construct and its relation with physical , mental problems as well as to empathy with its related component.


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