Adding value to Grains

Adding value to Grains
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Cereals, pulses, legumes and millets fall under the category of grains. This book deals majorly on five widely consumed crops – maize, wheat, rice, sorghum and millet. It deals about the science, nutrition and technology of these grains in particular though beans are talked about. It should not be forgotten that grains are the staple food for nearly 90% of the population in Africa and Asia. Almost 70% of the energy is derived from cereals by these people. This book serves as an introduction into the teaching of grain science and technology in Africa and Asia. This book introduces to the science of cereals and the nutritional contribution it makes to the consumer. The alterations in the nutritional composition and quality due to processing are also highlighted. This book serves both the students, processors and the people in academia and not only those in the field of food science & technology but also for those in the related discipline viz., nutrition, agriculture and the like. A gist of related research conducted at KIST is also incorporated.


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